Working with Time

Time is an important concept in a game, In a game we give players the illusion of movement, But in fact we are just displaying them the static images, We keep repositioning image throughout the screen which creates the illusion of movement.

We know that,

Speed = Distance travelled / Time Taken

which implies that,

Distance Travelled = Speed * Time Taken

So to calculate the distance travelled by any object we should know about its speed and the time that has passed.

A parameter fElapsedTime is passed as a parameter to OnUserUpdate function which is the previous frame duration in seconds.

So to handle time properly in our game we have to multiply the speed of moving object by fElapsedTime. Let us Quickly bring changes to our code,

bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override
  DrawSprite(fPlayerPositionX, fPlayerPositionY, sprPlayer.get());
  if (GetKey(olc::Key::LEFT).bHeld)
     fPlayerPositionX = fPlayerPositionX - fPlayerVel * fElapsedTime;
  if (GetKey(olc::Key::RIGHT).bHeld)
     fPlayerPositionX = fPlayerPositionX + fPlayerVel * fElapsedTime;
  if (GetKey(olc::Key::UP).bHeld) 
     fPlayerPositionY = fPlayerPositionY - fPlayerVel * fElapsedTime;
  if (GetKey(olc::Key::DOWN).bHeld)
     fPlayerPositionY = fPlayerPositionY + fPlayerVel * fElapsedTime;
  return true;

You should just remember that, if there is any motion just multiply the speed by fElapsedTime and you should be fine.

The Player Doesn't Move Now

No worries, we have set fPlayerVel = 0.5 and the value of fElapsedTime is very small, so their product would be even smaller.

To solve this simply increase the player's velocity. You just need to update the value of fPlayerVel.

float fPlayerVel = 90.0f;

A value of 90 should work fine, if that didn't worked just try some other values.

Next up we will add enemies to our game. Stay Tuned.